Wednesday, December 23, 2015

GD Gives Back This Holiday Season

GD Gives Back This Holiday Season
By Kathryn Preston

On December 16th, nearly forty Groton Dunstable high school students set out to put gifts under the trees of those in need this holiday season. With teacher and student cooperation, the Student Council team was able to raise over $3,300 dollars to put towards purchasing gifts for those families who were not able to provide them on their own. Student Council Vice President Abby Vervaeke stated, “We were able to accomplish so much more than our original goal. It felt good to give back during this holiday season.”

The fundraiser went as follows; every A-block classroom was given the challenge of raising the most money to ultimately win the right to go on a shopping field trip in Nashua, NH. Ms. Reynold’s and Mrs. Kostich's classes were the overall winners, raising $1032 between the two classes.  With this money, GD was able to provide for nine children and four parents, shopping at various stores in the area searching for every item on their wish lists. Presents purchased ranged from baby dolls and a pink bike to clothes and basic household items.  GD senior, John Langan, expressed that “it was nice seeing students from our school fill the stores.  The Spiderman bike we got was awesome; someone’s going to have a lot of fun with that!”

Not only were students and staff excited to raise money in their class in order to go on the trip, but the purpose of raising this money affected everyone. Growing up in an affluent town such as Groton, it is not common to hear of those who are struggling to meet ends meet and therefore we often don’t realize that there are people in need all around us. The high school participants needed no excessive advertising or motivation; knowing that they had the opportunity to help the Community Children’s Fund fulfill the wishes of fourteen families including 32 children this Christmas was enough. 

Student Council Advisor, Nicole Penchansky, summarized the event as “completely inspiring.”  Penchansky stated, “It was absolutely incredible and heart-warming to see all of the students be so enthusiastic and work together to put smiles on the faces of children and families in our community.  I could not be more proud of our students here at GD.” 

Principal Michael Mastrullo had this to say.  “It is not the first time I have been impressed by the student’s compassion and willingness to lend a hand to others in need; however, it is no less impressive.  I am so proud to be the principal of such a high performing school, but it is events like the recent “adopt-a-soldier” and this holiday fundraiser that make all of us proud to work at a great school surrounded by a great bunch of kids.”

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